About the Sacred Reset Technique…

The ‘Sacred Reset Technique’ is the technique that was given directly from the Divine to me, for which I feel a deep sense of responsibility to carry out the request made. This was given to me on the day of and just before the words of my book, ‘Sacred Reset: The Key to Align the Heart as the Doorway to the Soul’ began to flow from my hand.

I was told that this knowledge and technique has not been available to the planet and humanity in modern times. I was precisely instructed on how to initiate each person and told that it was essential that humanity receive this ‘sacred reset’ to align their physical heart with their spiritual soul and this was necessary in order to assure that the soul was properly prepared for its ultimate transition from the Earth, whenever that time should come for each one of us.

The reason given for the technique to be presented to humanity surrounds the Divine, revealing the striking misalignments of hearts with souls that humanity currently experiences, in multiple ways, and at all ages.

Revealing details of the process, which has made this misalignment a critical focus for this Divine intervention is outlined in my book with the ultimate and inevitable hope of the return to potentiality also revealed.

I was instructed to make this technique available to humanity at once. I was shown the ways in which humankind has fallen from alignment and “told” that with the help of this technique realignment and restoration of balance could again be possible.

This knowledge has come for all ages and as an offering to bring greater joy, purpose and spiritual declaration to everyone who is called to it. The time each one can start addressing these misalignments is now, beginning with initiation into sacred alignment.

I have personally experienced the technique and have initiated a number of people, each of which has had a similar experience of a distinct spiritual shift and sense of realignment upon instruction.

From here you are awarded an opportunity to address your life with a freshness and increased vibrancy, bringing greater alignment to the sacredness of your heart and soul.

If you would like the opportunity to become personally instructed in the Sacred Reset Technique, please click the button below.

The Sacred Reset Technique Session is a 1-Hour Individualized Distance Session

Wishing you renewal and enlivenment as you realign the sacredness of your heart and soul to its utmost destiny…

Many blessings and warm regards,

Sharon Thomas

How to Prepare for the Sacred Reset Technique...

The technique is taught as a Distance Session.

It can take up to an hour.

You will need to be in a settled, quiet environment in which you can lie down, such as on a comfortable bed, and be without distractions.

It is good to be well hydrated and if you are hungry, you may have a light snack one hour before learning the technique.

You will be instructed about follow up during your session.

Plan to rest for at least 20 minutes directly after receiving the technique. It is advised that you avoid alcohol or recreational drugs for a week before and a few days after your instruction.

Plan to include the technique in your daily routine, once learned.

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