What Clients Say...

Time spent with Sharon is taking a journey into the depths of your inner being. Sharon expertly creates a safe, sacred space for you, the client. She then humbly becomes an instrument for the energy to flow for your highest good.

Sharon believes healing is self healing and she encourages you to feel empowered in the healing process.

She guides you to notice where there are energy blocks in your body-mind-spirit and then skillfully assists you to gently transcend them through breath techniques, visualization, holographic recalibrations and the ancient method of intonation.


Sharon is one of those rare healers who is humble yet wise. When in her presence, you feel that Sharon is the embodiment of the powerful Divine Feminine that lies in the heart of all of us.

Kimberly Khoury Colorado Springs, CO

Sharon draws from a lengthy list of skills she has acquired over her lifetime. As Sharon has experienced setbacks and challenges of her own, she has humbly asked for Divine guidance and rebounded stronger and more equipped to help those she serves at higher levels through her own experience.

What makes Sharon exceptional is her creativity, honed intuition and her ability to integrate various modalities to address the unique needs of each individual in their uniqueness.

In my work with Sharon she has supported me in passions of my heart and soul.

Now, Sharon will bless the world with her upcoming book, SACRED RESET: The Key to Align your Heart as the Doorway to Your Soul which will uplift, inspire, and transform the future of every person who embraces it.

You will want to follow Sharon if you desire a caring and gifted mentor to guide you on your life transformation.

Betsy Walker - Denver, CO

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